Dear Fifth Estate collective,
Fifth Estate coverage of sexual oppression has been right on, but has ignored a significant minority.
I am an Asexual. Asexuals choose not to fuck, either because fucking doesn't give them pleasure or because the associated hassles are hard on their heads.
Everyone has occasional Asexual urges, but most "normal" sexuals — especially young people — are disgusted by Asexuality.
That's OK—Asexuals are disgusted by sexuals. Love should be private—sexuals have a fetish for public displays of leering, dehumanizing sexuality. Love should be healthy—sexuals are shockingly careless about basic hygiene. Love should be friendly—but when two sexuals end an affair, they act like worst enemies. Gay sexuals tried to break down rigid gender stereotypes, but failed. There are gay and bit-sexuals whose missionary zeal, grotesque self-display, and neurotic affairs rival Playboy-reading straights.
Churchmen, doctors, shrinks, and the media all say Asexuality is an illness.
That's wrong. Maybe in a different society, I wouldn't be Asexual. But this society—over-populated-frontier-less, life-destroying, doomed—does not let me be sexual. Rats, crowded in a cage, react the same. Remember: the child of tonight's passion will be a helpless nine-year-old in the 1984/Clockwork Orange future. I love children too much to make one face tomorrow's hopeless gamble.
I hope the Fifth Estate considers my position editorially.
E. O. Line