St. Louis Woman Needs Therapy To Deal With Lack of Interest
DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am a 29-year-old single woman, successful in my profession, and have many good friends. The problem: I have absolutely no sex life. For a long while I thought I might be a "late bloomer," but now I am beginning to wonder if there is anything there to "bloom."
Is it possible to be asexual — to have no real interest in either males or females? Or is this sometimes an indication that one's basic orientation is toward homosexuality? What causes total absence of interest and noninvolvement? I do not mean frigidity or impotence, just no feeling of attraction toward either sex.
Is this condition treatable? — Nothing Doing in St. Louis
DEAR N.D. IN S.L.: I consulted with Dr. Jerome Katz of the Menninger Foundation. My first question was, "Could the woman have a hormonal problem?" He replied, "I doubt it."
Dr. Katz went on to say, "It appears that she is suffering from strong inhibitions. These may be multiple in origin and do not necessarily imply a homosexual orientation or inclination. There is a good possibility that she can be successfully treated by a qualified psychologist, psychiatrist, or psychoanalyst, or by a well-trained sex therapist. With proper help she may be able to undo misinformation and various fears or anxieties, both conscious and unconscious. The woman could have choices and opportunities presently beyond realization. I do hope she can 'bloom.'"