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In the January issue of off our backs was an article on the "Lesbian/Feminist Dialogue" held in New York in December. The photos accompanying the article arrived air mail, special delivery, the day after we went to press. But here is a backward glance at the two of them. (Maybe next month we'll have some photos of the NOW conferences.)

This image is a grainy black-and-white photo of two feminine-presenting people on an auditorium stage. The one in the background is standing at a podium with microphones with their hands on their hips, and the one in the foreground is sitting on the edge of the stage and leaning forward.
Margaret Sloan and Gloria Steinem
photo by susan rennie

This image is a grainy black-and-white photo of two students in their 20s sitting at a table handing out labels with a hand-written sign taped to the wall in the background which reads:
YEA - IT’S A HEAVY TRIP BUT! This is a chance to CHOOSE YOUR OWN LABEL instead of having someone else do it for you.
- straight
- asexual
- lesbian
- bisexual
- anti-label
- dyke separatist
- ?
- lesbian feminist
- anti-sexual
- or whatever
Lesbian activists at Barnard provide labels
photo by susan rennie